Becoming a Baha’i: Nine journeys to faith

Lynette H., Louisiana “…Being a black woman, prejudice has always been a concern in my life. …When I found a faith that reinforced all the values that I hold dear to my heart, I was elated, relieved and filled with gratitude…”
Maria M., California “…I knew little to no English. I was attracted to the Baha’i friendliness and sincerity. A community like that was very much what I wanted to be part of….” In her piece, Maria talks about the Hidden Words in Spanish. Here are the Hidden Words in English.
Avrel S., Texas “…See the good in people first and foremost and to overlook the flaws of other people…”
Melanie M., Texas “… As a scientist, I can believe in a religion that really values the scientific method that places reason above superstition and seeks to answer all the questions of the universe…”
Debbie V., Texas “…Catholicism was all that I ever knew. It wasn’t until my senior year of college that I met my first Baha’i. He was this incredibly kind, friendly, open-minded person…”
Carol B., Colorado “…It’s like being part of a construction crew that’s building a new home for humanity to move into…”
Allison A., Texas “…Even though I’m just a drop, all the other drops can combine to form a stream and then a mighty river…” Allison recommends Richard Abercrombie’s book, “Crossing the Line”
Joan W., Louisiana “…I learned about the lives of the Black people I lived among,…and I saw the strength and determination they had to go on living and loving…”
Stefan W., Louisana “…It is becoming clearer and clearer that there is a greater and greater need for finding some hope in the world today…”
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